Sunday, September 13, 2009

'holiday' says madonna

we all love you, you know we do, so when we create a holiday in your honor what are we gonna call it i wonder?


Coraline said...

I feel selfish getting ANOTHER day to celebrate me (we already have the sabbath) so I'd just call it "Day of Mine."

Anonymous said...

Funke Friday.

Steve said...

I don't know what you'd call my holiday, but the day after celebrating me would also have to be a holiday, and it would be "National Hangover Day".

Mahana said...

HA! Funke Friday. awesome.

Mine would be Detox Day. Detox from cream sodas for breakfast, and snickers bars for lunch, poopy diapers (not mine I swear), and whiney kids get the idea. Just purge all the stress, the chaos and find some solitary bliss and soul edification.

Sarah H said...

Detox day sounds pretty good, mine has similar aspects, but I like to call it Peace Day because it's less worldly sounding and more saintly sounding. And I like to keep it real like that. said...

i think i'd like to have it be named ' kerith's hump day.' mostly because i know an old man once that celebrated each wednesday (hump day)with an exclusive by-invitation-only drink party in his assisted living facility bedroom and when his memory started to fail, his wednesday 'hump day part[ies]' began happening on sundays and thursdays...regardless, it got everyone excited to have him whisper "hump day!" and nod towards his room no matter what day it was and i think that's cool.

Brian said...

Just name it after me. I don't want any confusion about what is going on with it. Brian Fuchs Day will suffice. Of course, it'll require a tradition. I choose eating pickled okra and watching sad French films. Clothing optional (as always).

Staucie aka Katelynn said...

i would call it the best dang girl of the month holiday -katelynn munson