Monday, September 21, 2009


that has influenced you more than any other...


Steve said...

2 Legit 2 Quit. Hammer.

That question is unanswerable. I could maybe do most influential song over every 2 week period since I was 12, but there is no one song I could choose. Most current is probably 3rd Planet by Modest Mouse. It's an oldie of theirs, but a goodie. I can't help but repeat it like 5 times in a row whenever it comes on the iPod. Oh, and I must always thank Christine for turning me on to Modest Mouse when we first got together 6 years ago.

Anonymous said...

**please oh please let sarah say 'dreamweaver' please oh please oh please!**

Mahana said...

This one was tough. My first reaction was to say that I couldn't possibly pick one song. My taste in music flits here and there. BUT after some reflection I remembered Fur Elise. yeah good ol' Beethoven, that crazy bastard. it's the only song I still remember by heart on the piano (I learned it when I was 10 & am now 28...oh so old) and anytime I get mad, melancholy, happy, or crazy, it always feels good/therapeutic to play because it still sounds sweet no matter what mood/tempo i play it in. said...

agreed, it is a hard question...a little while ago i went to an 'animal collective' show and they played some songs from their new album and i was S T U N N E D! it was really amazing to see and hear in person. i also like the way modest mouse makes me feel and 'doll is mine' by blonde redhead and 'rubies' by destroyer and 'dear catastrophe waitress' by belle and sebastian when it's played on vinyl and 'caribou' by the pixies...but that's today yo.

Coralyne said...

I've always been partial to Elton John's 'Tiny Dancer.'

Coralyne said...

And I can't believe Kerith didn't even mention 'I Want You to Want Me' by Cheap Trick!!! WHAT?!!

Anonymous said...

And I can't believe Kerith didn't say anything about listening to the Beastie Boys with me in the snow?? Ouch.
Guess Who

Sarah H said...


And there you have it.

PS. the Live By Sarah version, of course.