Sunday, May 23, 2010

speaking of

vacations...if you could own a get-outta-town house anywhere in the UNITED STATES, where would it be? (and does puerto rico count then? oof such a gray line!)


Mahana said...

Kapaa Kauai. Or any where on Kauai. I Still crave a Puka dog and cocnut shrimp with papaya dipping sauce.

Coralyn said...

I would have said New Orleans but I don't think so anymore...

happyfamily said...


Anonymous said...

Boston for sure. Go Sox. said...

i think if i continue to live in the a.k. then my vacation home MUST be somwhere warm...and somewhere beachy and maybe you should never repeat this and never hold it against me but i think i'd do okay with something san diegoish? does that make me a bad person?

happyfamily said...

San Diego is my favorite place. I don't hate you at all.
Plus it's only 2 hours away from my home. Why don't you just come here instead?!