Sunday, April 18, 2010

public displays of your(plural) affection

is it a DO or a DO NOT??


happyfamily said...

When I was young and oh-so-innocent, I was a pda maniac. I mean, I would make out with my boyfriend on the couch while all of my extended family was in the same room.


So, now the thought of that gives me the willies. I don't mind seeing people do a little kissing, but minutes and minutes of making out makes me feel yucky. And as a mom I get all up-in-arms about it. For the children.

I remember once making out with my boyfriend in highschool at the beach. This mom by us kept having her kids throw a football at us. We just kept shaking it off- silly kids! But now, I would be that same disgusted mom.

happyfamily said...
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Mahana said...

I agree with happy family. Holding hands, a kiss (even a lingering one) and of course hugs are fine. But having to be by two people feeling each other up or searching for leftovers down their lovers throat makes me least now. In high school I could care less. Even in college... Hmm have I become a prude in my old age?! said...

so actually, i don't mind a good kissing couple, maybe it's europe in my veins but i'm okay with it. HOWEVER, i can't be okay with more than that. how dare you go to the bathroom together and then come back and act like nothing happened, HOW DARE YOU!!?

Steve said...

Don't care. At all. No matter how intense it may be. It doesn't affect me, so I honestly couldn't care less.

Coralyn said...

I like it all too! Maybe it was me in the bathroom?