Thursday, February 11, 2010


you could punch ANY one person in the face, who would it be and tell me why too.


Steve said...

Oh man! Did you just watch 'Primer' or something? Anyway, a couple of years ago it would have been W., for obvious reasons, but you know, no longer in the limelight, blah, blah, out of sight out of mind. I wouldn't mind a crack at Ms. Palin, but I couldn't punch a woman, no matter how much I despised her (except maybe, just maybe, my brother's ex-wife). I could really go for a jab-jab, right cross, left to the gut, right upper-cut action on Pat Robertson or James Dobson, or, or, or any of those bigoted, freakazoid, religious zealots, but they are mostly just too old and pathetic, that I don't think I'd really enjoy it as much as I would want to. Then there would be the awesomeness of cramming a fist into the yapper of any of the big wig spin machine pundits, a là Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly, et al, but I think if any of those crazies got clocked it would only whip their die-hard fans into a frothing frenzy and I'd get my ass killed. So… I would punch Dallan. He would probably punch me back, just about as hard as I punched him. Then we'd clean up our bloodied noses and go get some beers.

Mahana said...
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happyfamily said...

Probably Snoop Dawg. I just hate him.

Anonymous said...

Steve. said...

you. you know who you are and i know you're reading this and i know you know why i would punch YOU out. how do you like that?

Steve said...

Anonymous is awesome. I always wanted to be punched. But I can't say anymore. The first rule about fight club… you know the drill.

Anonymous said...


The five day workweek, until it cried and agreed to become four.

Mahana said...

right at this moment...uncle sam. my road still ain't paved or plowed you dirty bastard! I want some tax money back to get it done myself.

side note: steve's 2nd comment reminds me of the episode on Community where Jeff has never been punched and then the whole group gets into a fight on campus. And the character played by Chevy Chase tells Jeff that was he was glad to be the one to make him a man by punching him in the face and Jeff replies by saying he had already been punch like 5 times before Chevy did it....yeah..It's WAY funnier than my description. Hulu it if you haven't seen that episode.

Steve said...

That's funny. I hardly watch any T.V., but I actually saw that episode of Community. It was on during one of Christine's ladies' nights and I was home folding my laundry with the television on, wishing I could be at ladies' night. For the food. Heh.

Christine said...

I really don't think I would punch anyone unless of course it was out of self defense or I was involved in a consensual boxing match.

And thank you anonymous for making me laugh.

Ryry said...

I say Kerith, because she asked this stupid question.

Anonymous said...

I change my vote from Steve to Ryry.