...a new job! :-)
Africa. Hot Summer.Glee in April.Date Night.
For the kids to get in bed so I have 5 minutes with Paul before I fall dead asleep.For the baby to sleep ALLLL the way through the night so I can too.A visit from my friend, tricky-t.A home of my own.Time to do all of the surfing and crafts that I want.A robot that cleans my house.um... world peace?
You to get here!!!!!
a real sunshine. (in order to cure my wintertime scurvy you see.)
Keia to start bringing home money… or at least her own kibble.
Nap time.
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...a new job! :-)
Hot Summer.
Glee in April.
Date Night.
For the kids to get in bed so I have 5 minutes with Paul before I fall dead asleep.
For the baby to sleep ALLLL the way through the night so I can too.
A visit from my friend, tricky-t.
A home of my own.
Time to do all of the surfing and crafts that I want.
A robot that cleans my house.
um... world peace?
You to get here!!!!!
a real sunshine. (in order to cure my wintertime scurvy you see.)
Keia to start bringing home money… or at least her own kibble.
Nap time.
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