Friday, October 2, 2009

name for me

that one something you aren't so concerned about...but probably should be.


Coraline said...

My teeth.

Mahana said...

My eating habits.

happyfamily said...

Missing this U2 tour. There's got to be another one in 5 years, right? RIGHT?! said...

mmm, i would have to say the sun. every aspect of that tricky star makes me feel like i should worry...

Anonymous said...

I should be more concerned about keeping in touch with those people that I think are really cool.

Steve said...

The growth on the underside of my… uhhhh, never mind. How about the smell coming from the Subie after it is driven for more than 10 minutes. And Keia's lack of a moral consciousness.

Christine said...

The fact that my doorbell has been broken for over three years now, and I like it that way. I think I may be THAT neighbor.